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Commenting Away!

January 31, 2011 Leave a comment
  1. I agree.  Facebook as well as any other social media site on the internet have many positive aspects to them but they do have negatives as well.  I started using Facebook when I came to college in order to stay in contact with high school friends as well as keep up with the latest events be able to communicate with friends at Southeastern as well.  I also think that as we go along, social media sites will continue to get better and better in regards to security.  As we can see, Facebook has a much better reputation than Myspace did because of the more adequate security features.
  2. I have never thought about it this way.  It is true that there are varying levels of publics from our country all the way down to the school or church we attend.  I also enjoy the fact that some of the publics that I am part of are intertwined with each other.  I like the fact that I can be in two different places, say at school and at work, and see some of my friends both places.
  3. “How often do you forget your password”, Jessica Levco 3/3/2011 Link, I have had adequate experience with twitter, but never had it forget or make me reset my password.  This is an interesting thing, the only thing I would say is to send an email directly to support rather than tweeting to them?  Hope it gets resolved!
  4. “The NFL’s $230M Jackpot: In-Game Jersey Ads,” Keith Trivitt, 3/3/2011 Link, This is a very interesting concept, but I’m a little skeptical about it.  Ads on jerseys seem a little ‘little league’ to me for them to be on NFL jerseys.  It is a large amount of money to not capitalize on, but I  just think it may look a little funny for them to have ads on their jerseys.
  5. “Do pilots really not smoke in the cockpit? What does that mean for landings?” Joseph Thornley 3/3/2011.  Link I have never thought about this, but I guess since I don’t smoke, and I’m not in airports very often, it hasn’t been brought to my attention!  I think I would rather them close the door and have one if it puts everyone on board the  plane at risk if they don’t.  Best case would be to quit, but that may be asking too much for some people.
  6. “Tweet Tweet/My experience with #PRStudChat,” Jessica Ardrey, 3/3/2011 Link, Fellow FYE’er!  I this is a great post!  I love the question that you found about mentors.  That is a very good point about people who choose to be mentors, but it can also be a check for them.  If they are being motivated by the wrong thing, it is probably better they not mentor someone else if their motivation isn’t right.
  7. “Anyone Want Some Girl Scout Cookies?” Jordan Staggs, 3/3/2011 Link, This is a great idea for the girl scouts!   Now instead of having to go to the local grocery store while they are there, all people have to do is log on to Facebook.   What a genius idea by those girl scouts!  Now I want some!
  8. “They’re Taking Over… One Macbook at a Time,” Emily Bos, 3/3/2011 Link, It is very interesting to see the transformation from a few years ago when macs were just another computer to now, where everyone wants one and the ones that have them are looked upon somehow that they are better off because they have a Mac.  I am a PC user, I would buy a Mac if it didn’t mean I had to spend an arm and a leg, so until it comes down, I’m good with my Acer!
  9. “Facebook is Sharing Your Home Address and Phone Number,” Gini Dietrich, 3/3/2011 Link, I don’t really like the way Facebook has been changing things so often lately.  It seems like it’s every other day that they update different settings to make its users more vulnerable and exposed.  This doesn’t come as a surprise that they updated security settings once again and again, are sharing more of our personal information.
  10. “Free Pancakes!” Sarah Allen, 3/3/2011 Link, I was able to go to Ihop for this year’s national pancake day and donate to the Children’s Miracle Network.  I think it is a great thing that Ihop is doing with this, they truly give away free food with no strings attached and only ask for a donation.  Their goal for this year is $2.3 million, which is a lofty, but very manageable goal.  This is a great action for a great cause!
  11. “The 10 Year Old CEO” Ben Herrman, 4/15/2011 Link, This is crazy!  Crazy cool, that is.  I would love to have been able to be a CEO of a company at 10.  It is mind-boggling to think of the things that some kids are able to accomplish.  I saw a story on Glenn Beck’s show about a 12 year old boy who was autistic, but he was a mathematician.  He was in college classes even at his young age and had skipped 7 grades!
  12. “Living a Life Online” Martin Waxman, 4/15/2011 Link, This is an interesting concept. I’ve never thought about, or knowingly had FOMO; I usually only check up on the latest things going on in the social world on my phone when I have nothing else to do (waiting in line, waiting for class, etc…), but I do know people who use their phones all the time and have to check in and check up on the latest happenings every five minutes. Those people are generally too involved in their phones to have FOMO!
  13. “True Believers: Should a PR Person Stand for Something?” Jim Crawford, 4/15/2011 Link, I believe that people should not take jobs just for the money, even if sometimes the job tasks don’t align with their beliefs.  This, in my mind would be a recipe for disaster.  I have seen many people in careers that they don’t enjoy and they hate going to work every day just because of this fact.  It is sad to see people in jobs that they don’t enjoy and being forced to do things that they don’t believe are right just for the money.
  14. “Beware of mobs…..” Angela Myers, 4/15/2011 Link, That was quite interesting!  Flashmobs are the talk of the town these days.  I remember when they were first introduced and they were popular and gaining a reputation, but then they died for a little bit before recently picking back up.  This is a great way to get a message across, especially like the one in the cafeteria on campus!  Oh, how fast word got around!
  15. “Charlie Chaplain Google Doodle” Neville Hobson, 4/15/2011 Link, I think that the Google Doodles are a genius idea.  They not only get visitors to Google’s homepage, but they also keep people updated on important dates in history and also are a lot of fun to see when you’re least expecting one!  There have been a few times that I was just visiting Google to search for something and got sidetracked by one of their doodles and went on reading about the particular topic that the doodle was about!
  16. “The Hardest Job is a Job Hunt: The #HAPPO Anniversary” Jeremy Pepper, 4/15/2011 Link, As a college student who will be graduating in under a month, I agree with you that the most difficult thing is to find a job.  I’ve been in the place where it felt like I was doing everything wrong; applying to dozens of places and getting not one call back.  It can be, and for most people, is a disheartening position to be in.  In my opinion, there should be more teaching and mentoring on the strategy and art of getting a job, and then we should focus on performing in that job!
  17. “iPhone 4 Snaps Candids” Emily Bos, 4/15/2011 Link, Honestly, a phone taking pictures of someone is the least that could happen.  As a techie, I can see all of the things that can be done with phones to gather data about a the user.  I recently read an article on Pandora…  It’s just music, right? Wrong!  The article stated that Pandora collects enough information through GPS locations and other non-private data that they can identify the user, where they work, where they live, where they usually shop, and so forth.  Pandora could then sell this information to ad companies to give you specialized ads, but then again, what if there was a security breach?
  18. Tequila Shots BYOSC (Bring Your Own Sippy Cup)” Emily Bos, 4/15/2011 Link, This is a sad, and preventable happening.  It did also happen last week at a local Olive Garden in north Lakeland.  I’m not exactly sure why anyone would pour any alcoholic beverage into a kid’s sippy cup, but maybe they ran out of mixing glasses? (just trying to make sense of it)  Hopefully they will take preventative measures now to stop it from happening in the future.
  19. “And Tonight’s Feature Film Will Be…” Sarah Allen, 4/15/2011 Link, I was very upset that I had to work the night that they showed the premier.  I wanted to go see it in the Polk Theater, but I couldn’t.  I think that it is amazing that students and faculty were able to produce a feature-length film and release it.  I am not a big movie purchaser, but I may have to buy this one!
  20. “Target Hits the Mark!” Sarah Allen, 4/15/2011 Link, I like this!  Competition between stores means cheaper prices on goods for consumers, and we all want that.  When companies compete against each other for cheaper prices, we win.  I like target, but I am not one to not go to Walmart just because I think it is ‘nasty.’  Their prices are low and I am a college student!  It would be nice to have competition from Target though!